Determining How Long Powerup Effects Should Last

Christian Carter
2 min readMay 26, 2021


Figuring out how long a powerup effects should last is key to helping you make your game more fun to play. In my opinion there are three different length types you can choose from and each can work in different situations.

The first length you could choose is a timed powerup. This could range from several seconds to a couple of minutes. One situation that this might be good for is if the powerup will make the player ultra powerful like invincibility or a super weapon. These need to be limited in how long they can be used or it could make the game too easy. On the other hand you don’t want to make the powerup to short in length because then the player will not get any use out of it and that will make your powerup feel like a let down. This is where it takes test trials to figure out the balance of what will make the player feel powerful but not let the game become too easy.

The next length you could choose is to have them powered up until they die or take damage. This puts more emphasis on the players skills to be able to keep the powerup. Examples of this could be a one hit shield or maybe an extra laser that fires with the player. These don’t make the player overpowered but also give them a chance to use their own skills to keep the powerup as long as they can.

The last length you could choose is to have the powerup be permanent. This should be something that is a minor upgrade. Examples of this could be increased stats from leveling up or a small damage boost from buying new equipment. These kinds of powerups usually come slower but build up as the game goes on. They allow the player to feel like they are progressing in more ways.

Those are only a couple of examples of how those different lengths could be used appropriately. There are many more that can come up with as you work on finding what will make your game fun.

Good Luck Adventurer!




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