How to Use a Dolly Track in Unity

Christian Carter
3 min readOct 15, 2021


This tutorial will cover using a Dolly Track to move your camera around a scene. The first step is to add a Dolly Track from the Cinemachine menu. When you do this it will add a new virtual camera. If you are using a camera you already created you can delete it. Rename your Dolly Track and put it under the cutscene that will use the Dolly Track.

Next, find in your scene where the dolly track is and move it to where you

want it positioned. Then you want to add two waypoints to it. These are the start and end points of the track that your camera will follow.

Move the points to where you want your camera to start and end. You will notice another set of arrows connected to the the second waypoint you set. These arrows will allow you to adjust the curve of the track.

The next step is to connect your camera to the Dolly Track. Open the camera in the inspector. Open the body section and switch it from Tranposer to Tracked Dolly. Then put your Dolly Track in the Path option.

The next step is to animate the camera along the Dolly Track. To do this first create a new Animation Track in the Timeline of your cutscene. Attach your camera to this new Animation Track.

Now you need to record the movement of the camera. Start recording for the animation track and a 0 seconds set the Path Position of the camera to 0. Then move to the time you want the camera to be in the next position and change the position to 1. You will probably want to give the camera something to focus on as it moves around the track.

If your track is to close to the floor you can move it up to create a better shot. That is all you need to add a Dolly Track to your camera.




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