Starting the Boss

Christian Carter
2 min readSep 2, 2021


This tutorial covers bringing in a png file for the boss and getting it all setup and in the game so that the next tutorial can cover setting up the boss actions. First, get a png image of the boss you want and put it in your sprites folder. Check that the Alpha is Transparency box. Then change the Texture Type to Sprite(2D and UI). Make sure you apply your changes. Drag the boss into the scene. Set the Scale to match the size of a boss that you want.

Add the typical components like Box Collider 2D and RigidBody 2D. Create a Boss script and add it. You will be implementing the script in the next tutorial. One problem you may encounter is with the boss blending into the backround. One way to fix this is by adding a Halo component to the Boss. Choose a color that matches the boss and helps it stand out. Set the size to something that is just larger than the boss but noticeable.

The last thing to do is move the Boss into the Prefabs folder. Now the Boss is ready for it’s script to be implemented.




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