Starting to Feel Like a Real Video Game!

Christian Carter
2 min readMay 21, 2021


I am making a game, and it is finally starting to feel like one! I have implemented player movement, enemies, a weapon, and have added art to it. This has all been part of my effort to learn Unity and game development. While working on this I have been creating tutorials that go along with the work I have been doing. In part to help anyone that wants to do something similar. But, also, to help myself learn at a deeper level the concepts that I am implementing. Also, as reference for myself if I am ever in need of a refresher on anything that I have previously worked on.

Here are a couple of highlights from posts that I have made:

Simple Player Movement in Unity: covering the basics of getting something to move and then implementing controls for the movement.

Instantiating and Destroying Objects in Unity: covering how to create objects in Unity and then how to destroy them when you are done with them.

Intro to Physics in Unity & OnCollisionEnter VS OnTriggerEnter: covering the basics of implementing physics in Unity and then how to get two objects to interact.

Coroutines with Unity & Spawning Objects in Unity Without the Clutter: covering how to use coroutines to setup enemy spawning and how to handle the spawning so it doesn’t make your Unity interface a mess.

From Prototype to Work of Art: covering how to convert from the prototyping phase to including art assets.

Hopefully anyone else on a learning journey can find some benefit in these as well.

Good Luck Adventurer!




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