The Power of Light Probes in Unity
This tutorial covers light probes. Light probes allow dynamic objects to be affected by lighting in real time. To create a light probe group in the Hierarchy create an object, select Light, then Light Probe Group.
Move it to where your object is that you want to setup your light probe around. Then in the inspector select Edit Light Probes.
Now you can select the yellow light probes in the Scene View. You want to build a cage around your object, connecting it to the light source so that when an object moves through the space it receives the baked lighting info so that it can update dynamically. Select your first set of probes that you want to duplicate to build out your probe. Hold down the Control key to select multiple probes. Then in the Inspector click Duplicate Probes.
Then slide the new probes over.
Repeat this step until you have created the cage that will surround your objects in the game space.
When you are finished you will have a cage connected by the yellow light probes.
This will allow your objects to receive light information in real time as they move about your scene. This is just and introduction to light probes but will get you started in building them out.